WOW!! What an incredible two weeks since we first launched GESDATE. We are truly humbled by the number of downloads, positive comments, calls, texts, etc. THANK YOU!
But we feel like the most exciting parts of GESDATE are yet to come! So if you like GESDATE now just wait….it is only going to get better!
We just submitted version 1.2 of GESDATE to the Apple App store and we are waiting on them to approve the version and then it will be available to all of you in the App store. In fact if you are using iOS7 and up, you can update the app automatically (without checking back here or in the app store) by going to Settings > iTunes & App Store > Automatic Downloads and turning on Updates.
We are so excited to keep innovation on the GESDATE platform and over the next few weeks we’ll be publishing some posts that will give you an idea of where we are going. Also, if you have something you would like added to the app or an idea you came up with we are always looking for your suggestions, ideas and feedback. We want GESDATE to be the number one tool you use on your farm!! So don’t hesitate to give us a call, email us, text or reply right here on the blog.
Until we get those posts written we thought we would give you a sneak peak into the features that are coming in 1.2. Enjoy!
GESDATE Version 1.2
Every version of our app includes improvements for reliability and features. We will be sure to highlight new features for you!
New Features:
- Added a photo gallery for both sows and pigs
- Added counts on herd screen for each section
- Added a contact support button in the settings screen
- The summary report now looks out seven days (previously 36 hours). We also updated the visuals on the summary report to include the date of the event.
- Sharing is now called FarmSync™
- Changed “IN HEAT” to “DUE TO CYCLE”
- Added loading indicator for SUMMARY SCREEN
- We’re changing the way push notifications work in our app (for the better), unfortunately the previous version of the app will stop receiving them. This version must be installed.
- Added confirm bred date to bred detail screen
- Minor UI Enhancements
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where adding notes in bred detail screen would cause it to disappear.
- Fixed a bug that caused navigation bar to disappear when searching in the bred/due to farrow screens
- Fixed a bug that was causing duplicate breedings
- Fixed bug when trying to delete a breeding when search has been entered.
Known Issues:
- There seems to be an issue with sharing photos on iPad Mini, we will do our best to address this in future version.
- Photos do not work offline, we will get this working offline in a future version.